How Fast Do Essential Oils Work?

March 11, 2019

Ever wonder what doterra essential oils really does when you use it?

Traditionally, there are 3 ways to use essential oils, that is aromatically, topically and internally.


Essential oils are volatile aromatic compounds that are fat soluble and liquid. Due in part to the volatility of essential oils, aromatic exposure is by far the most effective. It is easily inhaled and then absorbed through the brain, respiratory tract and lungs and then circulated through the blood stream. What this means, is a simple whiff of oil from the bottle or diffuser can instantly make a difference to your physical and psychological health!


Topical application is also effective as the oils can easily penetrate the cell membranes and be rapidly absorbed through the skin. The oil absorption has been verified through the concentration of essential oil compounds found in the blood. Maximum levels were achieved in as little as 10 minutes!


There are still a lot of research in regards to the affects of absorption when taking oils internally, and how it interacts with the bloodstream, hormones and enzymes. During one study, that when used internally, thymol (an aromatic compound found in many different essential oils), was absorbed quickly and was detected in the blood in only 20 minutes.

So whichever way you want to use it, these essential oils still amazes me, how fast they work, servicing every cell in your body in less than half an hour! I have used essential oils over the years and I still get surprised how fast they work! Tummy aches? No problem!!

Source: Doterra website


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