Back: Feeling Supported and having a Backbone

July 13, 2018

Back: Feeling Supported and having a Backbone

In the medical world, we often feel like we are labelled with our physical problems, then given synthetic medication to manage our symptoms.  That is, until the side effects catches up to us, which leads to more medication.  I’m grateful to the medical technology that saves lives and allows us to be pain-free when we have a temporary emergency, but not the kind that slowly kills us with a different disease.  Our health doesn’t just become an issue physically, I believe it stems first from our emotions.

Let’s focus on our beliefs and how it affects our physical body shall we?   Beliefs—>Thoughts–>Feelings—>Actions—>Results.  One leads to another, in that order.  Now, I know that most people don’t believe in how an emotion for belief, can actually cause our body’s afflictions.   Many of our emotions are linked to certain parts of our body and our organs.  For example, burden can be linked to our shoulders, lack of support to our backs, fear of the future to our legs, stubbornness to our stomach,  anger to our kidneys, irritation to our skin,  grief to our lungs etc.  Sounds a bit strange?  How about these…. ? They may be familiar to you…..   Having headaches due to stress and when over-thinking,  needing to pee due to fear in the bladder,  vomiting due to disgust or over-eating when craving closeness.

Beliefs in relations to Back:

  • Feels unsupported
  • Can’t cope with emotional difficulties
  • Feeling burdened emotionally
  • Feelings of frustration
  • Wanting someone to “get off my back”
  • Upper- Withholding your love from others, feeling agitated, anxious or frustrated.
  • Middle- Feeling guilty, lacking self-support and self-confidence.
  • Lower- Feels unsupported financially, experiencing fear where money is concerned, running away, in a relationship that hurts.


Change your beliefs for different results:

  • Stop yourself from blaming and complaining about your relationship with loved ones, friends or money.
  • Speak positive words daily about loved ones, friends or money.
  • Take responsibility about what is happening in your relationships or finance.
  • Respect yourself, your body, your mind and expect the same from others.
  • Value yourself without needing to over-service others to know your worth.
  • Ask yourself why you don’t feel supported.
  • Trust in the universe, that you will be taken care of.
Affirmation: “I am perfectly supported in every moment”


Supporting oils for Back:

Other than muscle relief oils such as Ice Blue (Deep Blue) and Aromatouch (Massage) Blend you can use the following:

  • Unsupported– Birch, Cedarwood, Arborvitae, Vetiver
  • Lack of Abundance– Wild Orange, Spikenard, Citrus Bliss,  Elevation, Tangerine, Cumin & Litsea
  • Muscle aches– Ice Blue (Deep Blue), Marjoram, Balance, Cypress & Peppermint
  • Frustrated– Geranium, Cardamom, Neroli & Roman Chamomile.
  • Lonely/Alone– Marjoram, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Myrrh
  • Unloved– Frankincense, Rose, Easy Air (Breathe), Myrrh, Bergamot, Manuka

To reduce swelling in the muscles and around the joints, take the Life Long Vitality (LLV) Vitamins daily as well as a few drops of frankincense twice a day.  The xeOmega in the LLV acts as your engine oil to grease your joints as well as your brains.


  • Diffuse oils as often as you can.  Diffuse with a diffuser, travel diffuser, diffusing jewellery, inhaling oil on a tissue or inhaler.  This is the fastest way to enter your brain and balance your emotions on a cellular level.
  • Apply oils on location every 2-3 hours.  Be sure to check your oil reference for skin sensitivity depending on the oil.
  • Take oils internally-  3-4 drops every 4-6 hours.  Be sure to check if these oils are safe for internal use.  Oils for muscle aches are not to be taken internally.


** These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or TGA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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