May 8, 2017
Pamper yourself: 3 reasons why you should!
When I say pamper yourself, I don’t mean go crazy and shop till you drop or go to massage spas everyday. I’m suggesting that you take a couple of...
May 8, 2017
When I say pamper yourself, I don’t mean go crazy and shop till you drop or go to massage spas everyday. I’m suggesting that you take a couple of...
May 3, 2017
What can we do for injuries big or small? I have two little ones and a super active husband, so I have seen my fair share of injuries from little...
April 27, 2017
There are three ways to buy dōTERRA essential oils: Buy Wholesale (25% off Retail) Buy Below Wholesale (55% off Retail) Buy Retail (One time-pay the highest price) BY...
April 24, 2017
So I’d been feeling really unmotivated lately. The chores were still piled up, the kids still needed to be glued to me, people to be fed including myself and my...
April 13, 2017
If you’re wondering who this big hairy male model wearing pjs is featured above, he is my husband Stephen. He is a sports fanatic, basketball obsessed, football critic, LeBron James...
April 11, 2017
We’re often taking care of others such as our kids, spouses, family and friends, without a thought for ourselves. Sometimes, we feel so burnt out that we gather our last...
April 10, 2017
Winter is coming and with it comes runny noses, coughs, colds and flus. Ok so how do we battle these microorganisms? 1. REDUCE DISCOMFORT FOR SINUS ISSUES AND CLEAR...
April 9, 2017
Beat the spread of winter illnesses with my Immunity Blend. This is a blend I use daily for my family. It helps boost our immune system as well as help...