Healthy Kids


Digestive Issues? Natural Ways to Support Digestion

The digestive system made up of the gastrointestinal tract (GI), liver, pancreas, and gallbladder helps the body digest food. Digestion is important for breaking down food into nutrients, which your...

Kids Makeup and Face Paints Contains Scary Ingredients!

If you think the ingredients in adult makeup are scary, wait till you check out the kids makeup and face paints.  Kids love to dress up, put makeup on and...

The Dangers of Plastics: Are they really safe?

You may have heard that some plastics are bad, that the ones with the triangles on the bottom are ok. And plastics that are labeled BPA-Free are safe to use....

Kids Toothpaste and Shampoo review- Toxin Free!

We were very excited to receive our Nourished Life package in the mail!  Savannah loves opening our packages and mail so I thought it would be perfect for her to do...

Is your sunscreen actually increasing your risk of cancer? Hormone disruptors?

How can sunscreen, a product claiming to help prevent the risk of cancer actually be increasing the risk of cancer?  Sounds absurd? Well, the truth stinks!  Sunscreen is a very...

Toxic Toothpaste Ingredients You Need To Avoid: Engine Degreaser? Rat Poison Anyone?

Would you allow yourself or your family to brush your teeth with engine degreaser or rat poison?  The fact is, you probably are and don’t even know it! Dental hygiene...

What To Use For Injuries Big or Small?

What can we do for injuries big or small?  I have two little ones and a super active husband, so I have seen my fair share of injuries from little...

Peppermint Oil: Used for Headaches, Sinus & Digestion.

Peppermint PDF   PEPPERMINT HANDOUT Peppermint Handout PDF       RELATED POSTS Boost Your Immunity This Winter! What are Essential Oils and Why you should use it? Best Way...

Say goodbye to Runny noses, Fevers, Colds & Flus!

  Winter is coming and with it comes runny noses, coughs, colds and flus.  Ok so how do we battle these microorganisms? 1. REDUCE DISCOMFORT FOR SINUS ISSUES AND CLEAR...

Boost Your Immunity This Winter!

Beat the spread of winter illnesses with my Immunity Blend.  This is a blend I use daily for my family.  It helps boost our immune system as well as help...