Relationships with your loved ones


Love Potions- Be Inviting, Confident for Deeper Connections!

Love Potions- Be Inviting, Confident for Deeper Connections! Do you ever wonder if there is a way for you to be more open, confident, inviting and trusting, so that you...

People Treat You The Way You Treat Yourself

People Treat You The Way You Treat Yourself I see relationships based on the reflection of how you treat yourself.  Do you ever wonder why certain people are mean to...

Blaming and Jealousy: Poor Me! Empowering Blend

Blaming, jealousy, complaining, victimising, helplessness, inferiority, drudgery, discouragement, are all feelings for the powerless.  Holding onto these feelings means you’re giving your power, your freedom of choice and control of...