Happiness Is Finding Enjoyment In Everyday Things

September 10, 2018

When I was feeling depressed, someone once asked me what I did everyday. I told him, I took care of my kids, husband, cooked, cleaned, drove my kids to school & activities everyday, read books with my kids, did homework with my kids, drove my parents around and ran errands for them all the time.  Then he asked me, do you enjoy cooking, cleaning, driving etc? Basically, my answer was almost no to all the questions. I felt like almost everything I did was a chore, and it was no wonder that I felt depressed. So why do it? Because it’s the role I chose and agreed to do.  Once you get into a depressed state, it can be so debilitating and hard to get up, see the light and positivity in your world.  


5 Tips to be more happy:

  • MAKE IT A HABIT TO ENJOY WHAT YOU DO DAILY: Put a little music on when cleaning or cooking and stop hating the fact that you have to do it!  Outsource or delegate the things you don’t like doing.
  • ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE: We chose to live this way, by accepting that, you will stop blaming other things and will be able to change the things you’re not happy about. 
  • BE GRATEFUL: This can sometimes be difficult, but you can choose to make a habit of it by thinking up a few things you’re grateful for everyday. You can diffuse Spikenard oil to help with your mindset. 
  • DO SOMETHING FOR YOU: Whether it’s following your passion for your career, taking up some kind of class for personal development, exercising, meditation, socialising with friends or whatever it is that would help uplift you. This may be difficult for those who lack self-love, but you can start small. 
  • DIFFUSE ESSENTIAL OILS: Diffuse uplifting oils such as Elevation (Joyful Blend), Lime, Melissa, Lemon, Wild Orange, Rose, Citrus Bliss, Litsea, Frankincense and other citrus oils. Take the Lifelong Vitality Pack to balance your overall health. 


It’s not impossible to get better. You can achieve what you want as long as you believe in yourself.  If you’re unhappy with the things you’re doing everyday, then everyday will become long and tedious. I still struggle sometimes to love cooking, but I make an effort to make it more fun. For those days I really feel like it’s a struggle, I won’t force myself and just get take out! There’s no need to make myself unhappy about daily things. 

I hope everyone can find a little more enjoyment in everyday things. Once you put your mind to it, life just seems that little bit brighter! 🌈🌟☀️🦄




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