

What is in your mainstream products? Reduce your toxic chemicals!

There are so many toxic/harsh chemicals out there in all your everyday products! If you have never even looked at the ingredients on the things you use daily, there’s a...

Toxin-Free Kids Shampoo Review #2

Toxin-Free Kids Shampoo Review #2 We tried two types of natural shampoos.  As a mamma of two, I want to make sure I’m making as many positive healthy decisions for...

Kids Makeup and Face Paints Contains Scary Ingredients!

If you think the ingredients in adult makeup are scary, wait till you check out the kids makeup and face paints.  Kids love to dress up, put makeup on and...

Sacrificing our health for beauty? Choose Toxin-free Makeup!

So maybe you’ve started eating clean, banned harsh cleaning products in your home and are using natural remedies for your health.  You’re on the path to a holistic healthy lifestyle,...

Is your sunscreen actually increasing your risk of cancer? Hormone disruptors?

How can sunscreen, a product claiming to help prevent the risk of cancer actually be increasing the risk of cancer?  Sounds absurd? Well, the truth stinks!  Sunscreen is a very...

Toxic Toothpaste Ingredients You Need To Avoid: Engine Degreaser? Rat Poison Anyone?

Would you allow yourself or your family to brush your teeth with engine degreaser or rat poison?  The fact is, you probably are and don’t even know it! Dental hygiene...