

Reduce Swelling, Flare ups & Discomforts in Joints

My Dad sometimes suffers from Gout which is kind of like Arthritis which is a painful swelling/inflammation. So I’m making him this upgraded blend to help with discomforts, flare ups...

Shoulders: Bearing the Burdens and Responsibilities

Shoulders: Bearing the Burdens and Responsibilities In the medical world, we often feel like we are labelled with our physical problems, then given synthetic medication to manage our symptoms.  That...

What To Use For Injuries Big or Small?

What can we do for injuries big or small?  I have two little ones and a super active husband, so I have seen my fair share of injuries from little...

Teething: How to ease their pain naturally

My poor baby is teething and seems to be in a lot of pain.  She can’t eat as much as she usually does and drools more too. I didn’t notice...